Brewarrina Aboriginal Child & Family Centre

Through the support of Wayne Griffiths and the team at Winanga-Li ACFC, Zeke Shaw Indigenous Consulting (ZSIC) is grateful to have had the opportunity to ‘come back home’ on Country to re-connect with our Mob at Brewarrina in NSW, and enhance their greatly needed family service.
ZSIC delivered on the following range of workshops and training:
- Succession Planning, including Staff Induction
- Cultural Awareness training
- Indigenous Governance workshops
- Consultation & Engagement workshops
- Cultural Supervision workshops
- Facilitation Services
- Policy Writing & Review workshops.
The team at Bre ACFC are an amazing group of young passionate professional people that have a genuine desire to grow, develop and learn more about caring for their community.
Our ZSIC journey together ran from August 2022 through to February 2023 – We arrived at Brewarrina on Saturday 27th August, 2022, and it was a great drive from Brisbane to get here. I met some of the Bre ACFC Team on the day, and they were so keen and excited to see ZSIC walk alongside them on their journey. A real deadly note to add here, they’re all my old school students that I use to teach ‘back in the day’ here at Bre, so ZSIC, respectfully, already has ‘skin in the game’ and genuine rapport with our families and clan groups here on Country.
Now here we are in February 2023, and ZSIC has delivered on all tasks set out by Wayne Griffith (CEO Winanga-Li, Gunnedah NSW). Through Wayne’s Indigenous leadership and vision in recognising the benefits to be gained via the ZSIC workshops and training programs, ZSIC has been able to provide opportunities for growth, development, Indigenous leadership and cultural capabilities at Brewarrina NSW.
Review from Wayne Griffiths
CEO, Winanga-Li Aboriginal Child & Family Centre
“Working with Zeke Shaw Consulting has been a truly remarkable experience. The team is passionate about understanding the needs of Aboriginal people and communities, and they take the time to really listen and engage with them. They have an incredible ability to identify the issues that need to be addressed in order to bring about healing. I’m very impressed with their dedication and commitment to this cause, as well as their creative approach to problem-solving that goes beyond traditional methods.”
Click the boxes below for updates and photos, or visit the Bre ACFC Facebook page via link below.

Brewarrina Aboriginal Child & Family Centre (Bre ACFC) Case Study,
Diary Of Events – Week 1, Aug / Sept 2022
Monday 29 August 2022 – Friday 2 September 2022
Our first day was Monday 29th August, 2022. As part of this major project, ZSIC / Bre ACFC / Gunnedah ACFC (Wayne Griffiths), have all agreed to use this wonderful opportunity of working together to create a case-study to give people visiting the ZSIC website an example of how our systems and processes work.
It is clear to me from my first week back home here in Brewarrina NSW, that all of these wonderful Indigenous Workers want to take the Bre ACFC to the next level, to thrive, with their community in the forefront of their minds.
This week is ZSIC’s official first week working with the Brewarrina Aboriginal Child and Family Centre (Bre ACFC). This forms the first steps towards a four month journey of assisting, guiding and supporting the team.
This has come about from the authentic cultural approach from Wayne Griffiths, CEO of Winanga-Li Aboriginal Child and Family Centre, Winanga-Li ACFC has for sometime now assisted in the management and operations of the Bre ACFC, to continue to provide a service to the beautiful township of Brewarrina, and their families.
ZSIC is grateful for the opportunity to ‘come back home’ on Country, that Wayne and Winanga-Li ACFC, have supported, to re-connect with our Mob here at Brewarrina, and enhance their greatly needed family service.
The team here are an amazing group of young passionate professional people that have a genuine desire to grow, develop and learn more about caring for their community. It is clear to me from my first week back home here in Brewarrina NSW, that all of these wonderful Indigenous Workers want to take the Bre ACFC to the next level, to thrive, with their community in the forefront of their minds.
The Bre ACFC has been graced with a new Centre Manager – Danielle Boney. Danielle, for a better description, is a gifted young Indigenous Leader that has so much to offer and loads of potential. Not just for her staff on the professional level, but equally important, Danielle has been gifted with an old soul, that appears to provide her with the gift of compassion, empathy and vision. This is further coupled with cultural integrity, that to ZSIC, we’re keen to walk with her, and empower her and her staff on their journey.
Brewarrina Aboriginal Child & Family Centre (Bre ACFC) Case Study, Diary Of Events – Week 2, Sept 2022
Monday 5 September 2022 – Friday 9 September 2022
WOW, what a deadly week this has been.
Potential Upgrades for Brewarrina ACFC:
The Brewarrina Aboriginal Child and Family Centre (Bre ACFC) was established in 2012, and during this time, it has delivered ongoing programs and services to the beautiful families in Brewarrina, in the early childhood development space.
This year sees the Bre ACFC complex turning 10 years old, and its now time to give our beautiful centre a well deserved ‘health-check’ sort of speak.
Part of this health-check saw the Bre ACFC being hosts to NSW Family and Community Services, and NSW Department of Community Justice. Our visitors roles from each department were unique, in that they inspected the entire building, internally and externally, to identify areas requiring up-grades, to bring our service into the next chapter of its life cycle.
Being assisted by Danielle (Centre Manager), Bianca (ELC Coordinator), and ZSIC, and from this most needed consultation, we created a list of potential up-grades to be carried out in 2023. These up-grades have come about from a generous injection of NSW Government funds, as Bre ACFC joins a number of existing ACFC’s throughout NSW, to receive this most needed boost of infrastructure development.
When reflecting back to this experience, and looking at the pathway moving forward, which are aligned with her vision of the Bre ACFC, Danielle Boney (Centre Manager) and Bianca Peters (ELC Coordinator), had this to say:
“During this week DCJ had visited and gave us awesome news that our centres infrastructure and building is almost turning 10 years old and that our centre could be potentially receiving $5.8 million in recurrent expenditure ($34.2 million over four years) and $64.5 million capital expenditure over three years to continue the existing Aboriginal Child and Family Centres and to build additional sites. This is part of the ‘Brighter Beginnings’ initiative. This news has come at a very convenient time, due to the fact we are under new management and have a new and achievable cultural vision that is inclusive of all community. We want to see the best for community and want community to utilise this centre to its full potential. So Happy Birthday ACFC, and looking forward to the upgrade come 2023 😊.”
“First and foremost it was lovely to put a face to the names from both departments. It was lovely to be involved in what we are planning or vision for our centre. We walked through the centre, and as we did this, as they brought a lot of ideas and adapted to our vision. They highlighted and touched base on a lot of questions we had. I’m looking forward to moving forward and have the ladies be a part of our journey. The end goal excites me.”
It was such a privilege to witness genuine consultation and engagement from both department representatives, not only in the way they both delivered their expertise in identifying potential areas for repairs, but equally important, how they respectfully walked through this formal process with the Bre ACFC Team, together.
Brewarrina ACFC BBQ Trailer:
We’re in the process of having conversations with NSW Corrections and sharing thoughts around an opportunity to obtain a newly built BBQ trailer. This initiative has come from the huge success of the Gungie Origin Program, a NSW Police Force program, in particular the Wellington Police in genuine partnership with the Wellington Aboriginal community:
Wellington Times – Gungie Origin The Next Big Thing
We acknowledge the intergenerational trauma from ill treatment of Original Custodians of our lands over the last 248 years, has seen, and continues to see life expectancy rates rise for our people, as a result of such treatments. Incarceration in correctional institutions are part of this unfortunate system. Our proud sons, brothers and fathers are placed in these environments, and wanting to support our children and our families. Unfortunately, their opportunities to do so are extremely marginalised.
Our quest here at Bre ACFC is simple in relation to this initiative.
Embrace this environment, walk together with their leaders of these correctional institutions, and provide an opportunity for our proud sons, brothers and fathers to lead. By them assisting in building a BBQ Trailer for Bre ACFC, they will be able to offer an easy friendly mobile service, that promotes healthy living programs, and enhance the lives of our children and our families. All whilst sitting on and connecting to Country and culture, waiting impatiently for our sons, brother and fathers of our children to return safely back home to us here at Brewarrina.
The end goal – keep our people out of these institutions and help our community heal.
Brewarrina Aboriginal Child and Family Centre (Bre ACFC) Case Study
Diary Of Events – Week 3, Sept 2022
Monday 12 September 2022 – Friday 16 September 2022
This week has brought about some opportunities for Bre ACFC to explore.
Aboriginal Affairs NSW – Community & Place Grants:
The Bre ACFC Team have attended a Community and Place Grants Workshop, held by Aboriginal Affairs NSW. Approximately 20-30 services providers also attended with aspirations of securing funding provided as part of The Closing the Gap NSW Implementation Plan 2022-2024. This funding commits to drive tangible change against all 5 Priority Reform areas, and 17 Socio Economic Outcome Targets, agreed in the National Agreement on Closing the Gap. With the aim to communities to drive locally-led solutions in their communities.
So, Bre ACFC sat down on the grass area outside our building, and further unpacked what this looked like for our Centre, and what potential benefits this would create, should we be successful at securing funding from 1 of 2 streams, that make up the $15 million in funding available. With the delivery of tangible local benefits and impact for Brewarrina families against the Closing the Gap socio-economic outcome targets, we brainstormed possible initiatives, that would not only meet a variety of Closing the Gap socio-economic outcome targets, at Bre ACFC, our belief is that the Brewarrina Aboriginal community have the solutions to drive authentic change, and sustain positive growth.
We are now delving into the three categories:
1) Programs:
2) Infrastructure:
3) Equipment and Vehicles:
Stay tuned on this channel.
Brewarrina ACFC Staff Induction T&D:
Empowering everyone in our Centre is what it’s all about.
ZSIC has been tailoring a culturally safe Staff Induction Package that the Bre ACFC has planned to be delivered next week. All staff members are keen to learn more about their workplace, with particular focuses on their roles ad responsibilities, and how they can have opportunities for personal and professional growth and development.
Our deadly staff have all been flagged for our Induction T&D, and are keen as mustard.
It’s always been the case that small communities like Brewarrina, in outback NSW, often experience challenges that deter wonderful people away from our warm-hearted communities. Brewarrina has had its fair share of such experiences, however, the team of young Indigenous professionals, that work effortlessly in our centre, brings this Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation well and truly onto the pathway that is taking it up to the next level of business.
Please stay tuned for next weeks movements, as everyone here at the little township of Brewarrina, in the ‘middle of the sticks’ of NSW, is evolving.
Brewarrina Aboriginal Child and Family Centre (Bre ACFC)
Diary Of Events – Week 4, Sept 2022
Monday 19 September 2022 – Friday 23 September 2022
This week brought about some opportunities for Bre ACFC to explore.
Employment Opportunities:
The Bre ACFC Cook Position was advertised over the last couple weeks, which sees the continuation of positive growth happening for the centre. The Centre promotes healthy lifestyles through being physically active, healthy diets. Our ongoing goal is to maintain the level of national standards health codes, as our core business is centred around our children, our families and our community.
We are also currently advertising for two administration positions that will support the functions heart of the Bre ACFC operations. Our Centre has two main areas of operations, and these successful applicants will find themselves in one of two of these areas with, Centre Manager (Danielle Boney), and ELC Childcare (Bianca Peters).
Brewarrina ACFC Steering Committee Information Meeting:
ZSIC had the wonderful opportunity to meet up with the Bre ACFC Steering Committee earlier this week. Tiffany Winters (Chairperson), did an awesome job navigating the Steering Committee Team on the night, highlighting the core functions of their roles and responsibilities.
ZSIC and the Danielle Boney (Centre Manager), assisted Tiffany with the preparation and presentation of Board Member Strategic Key Functions, by providing policies and procedures related to Board Member Committees.
Tiffany reflected on her thoughts by saying:
“Moving forward towards our transition, it is extremely important for our governance structure to understand their roles and responsibilities, and legalities regarding governance. To be a best practice service provider we need to model transparency, accountability and respect for our community, staff and families from this level. Currently we have a strong skill set from our team on our advisory committee. These champions have committed many hours, in a voluntary capacity, to get us where we are, and as Chair, that is something I am truly proud of. We have faced many complex challenges together over the last 6 months, and through this, we have created a great bond in getting to know each others strengths and abilities. Always focused on the best interests of our centre, and boarder community.”
The Bre ACFC is now moving from its current position of a mainstream Child and Family Centre, into an Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation (ACCO) entity. We are achieving this by working with a number of key stakeholders to achieve this goal, to meet the registered expectations of the Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations (ORIC).
Bre ACFC Steering Committee Members (from Left to Right) – Zeke Shaw (ZSIC), Tiffany Winters (Chairperson), Rebecca Gordon, Danielle Guruana, Jess Turbull (phoning in).
Photo’s taken by: Danielle Boney – Centre Manager
Brewarrina ACFC Staff Induction Training & Development:
WOW…what a wonderful experience it was to share this part of the journey with the Brewarrina ACFC Team. The lived experiences that staff members volunteered in a sharing capacity, brought about positive realities of the great work being achieved to care for our children at our centre, for everyone to see, was empowering.
From the Grounds and Maintenance Manager, right through to the Childcare Educators Staff and Centre Manager, the passion and enthusiasm was, as one would describe, no less then amazing.
The topics that we explored were generic as one would experience in staff induction training. The way in which the information was delivered and received, was the defining point of this most needed exercise. It allowed the Bre ACFC Team to travel the journey together, learn about the importance of policies and procedures, and equally important, their legal obligations in each of their individual roles that they are responsible for.
As we know, this is all targeted at caring for our children that attend our centre, which is a critical support service for all Brewarrina families, particular those that are employed and support other services within our little western NSW town.
The hard work behind the scenes from Danielle Boney and Bianca Peters to develop up their unique Inductions Training Package, in partnership with Winanga-Li and ZSIC, certainly created the much needed cultural safe space that the team, at Bre ACFC, were empowered by.
Danielle Boney (Centre Manager) and Bianca Peters (ELC Manager), workshopping for centre resources and requirements.
Engaging With Community Elders:
(Front) – Bianca Peters (ELC Manager), Uncle Moot Marley, Danielle Boney (Centre Manager)
(Back) – Anthony ‘Tony’ Walsh (Grounds Maintenance Manager), Uncle Glen Boney, Uncle Denis Rankmore
Brewarrina Aboriginal Child and Family Centre (Bre ACFC) Case Study
Diary Of Events – Week 5, Sept 2022
Monday 26 September 2022 – Friday 30 September 2022
A positive week for Brewarrina ACFC, with more direction and focus on service deliverables.
Employment Opportunities
Two Bre ACFC Administration Positions have been advertised and interviews were conducted this week for a number of interested people that applied. This will strengthen our centres operational functions and provide the much needed support to our children and parents, that attend our caring and learning environment.
Board Committee Member EOI
As we now know, the Brewarrina ACFC is currently transitioning into becoming an Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation (ACCO), and being registered with the Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations (ORIC), forms part of this process.
ACCO’s are managed and governed by its Aboriginal community members, who form the Board of Directors that support the Centre Manager, and/or, CEO, to oversee and support the strategic development and organisational planning of their organisation.
The following is a simple picture of a Directors duties (AbSec, 2022):
Expressions of Interests (EOI’s) are now being advertised to encourage our Aboriginal community members, that feel they would like to support the Bre ACFC as a Committee Member.
Training will be provided to all successful applicants about their new roles and responsibilities as a Board Member, and this will be done as a group, in a culturally safe space at the Bre ACFC.
Other topics that our future successful Board Members may learn about might be:
- Governance Vs Management
- Overlap between governance and management
- Setting organisation’s mission, objectives, and strategies
- Monitoring organisation’s performance
- Reviewing and approving Code of Conduct
- Monitoring organisation’s financial viability
- Ensuring organisation’s legal and financial accountability
- Supporting management
- Appointing a CEO
- Maintaining effective governance
Please click and check the Brewarrina ACFC – EOI Committee Member Flyer for further information, and consideration.
Danielle Boney (Bre ACFC Centre Manager), can be contacted on, Ph: 02 6839 2727, or, Email: if you require any further information about this role.
Brewarrina ACFC Workplace Culture:
Our workplace cultural is shifting and changing into something that all our wonderful workers are enjoying and contributing to. With old systems being reviewed, and new systems being considered to support moving forward, Bre ACFC is a workplace that truly is evolving into a place that people want to be at.
Stay tuned to be the first to know about our new workers that will be joining the Bre ACFC Team, soon.
Brewarrina Aboriginal Child and Family Centre (Bre ACFC) Case Study
Diary Of Events – Week 6, October 2022
Monday 3 October 2022 – Friday 7 October 2022
A positive week for Brewarrina ACFC, with more direction and focus on service deliverables
Monday was a public holiday, but that didn’t stop Lisa Genzo and Myrna Machuca-Sierra, both who are Engagement Managers for SEFA, have flown out from Sydney to Brewarrina.
Their role is to assist in reviewing the current status and provide the necessary supports to Danielle and Bre ACFC, for ORIC/ACCO readiness???
Lisa and Myrna took this opportunity to offer their throughs:
“There are many people interested in supporting the Brewarrina’s Aboriginal Child and Family Centre (ACFC) to deliver a safe culturally appropriate service for Bre’s children and families and momentum is building for Bre’s ACFC to become an ACCO (Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation).
ACFC is seeking Expressions of Interest from community members to join the Board. The closing date for EOIs is 13 October.
This week Lise and Myrna from Sefa (Social Enterprise Finance Australia) in Sydney spent time in Bre working with Danielle Boney, Bianca Peters and Zeke Shaw (consultant).
Sefa was engaged by Wayne Griffiths Junior (CEO at Winanga-li) under the NSW Government Social Sector Transformation Fund (SSTF). The SSTF was established to support small and medium-sized not-for-profit organisations to become more sustainable.
Our original plan was to drive to Brewarrina from Dubbo. Our plans changed as it became obvious there were going to be flood delays with that drive – and we flew to Bourke where Zeke picked us up. Thanks, Zeke, for doing all that driving to ensure we made it into Brewarrina.
It became very clear that Danielle Boney the new Centre Manager is fired up to build a stable workplace for the staff and a culturally safe place for children and their families. Bianca Peters told us lots of stories about how she mixes her early learning education with local stories and customs for the children. We saw this in action!
We spent lots of time with Danielle, Bianca and Zeke identifying the goals and change they want to see for the Centre and the Community. We developed a Theory of Change – that outlines the outcomes and impact the Centre can make for children, their families and community
Transitioning to an ACCO will be a long journey. To help with that journey we worked together to create a long checklist to guide the transition of the Centre. Expanding the board is one step and it’s important to get other community members who share the Centre’s vision and are keen to work with the educators and its staff to make it the best it can be. Starting the process to transfer the Centre’s systems and processes from Winanga-li to its own, is the next step. At the same time Danielle and Zeke have focused on developing new policies for staff and making it a place where people want to come to work. They have been working to fill staff vacancies and ensure that early learning educators get the training and coaching they need to do their best in caring for the community’s children. Plans are in place to work with integrated services to open access to the community to maternal, parent and family services to the community, not only to the children attending the Centre. The plans for the Centre are ambitious but Danielle and Bianca are grounded and know this will take time and the support of many.
It has been very inspiring and rewarding to work with Danielle, Bianca and Zeke during the week – seeing their positive energy and commitment to making a difference for their community.
More information about Sefa and who they have worked with is available here“
Photo (from Left to Right): Lise Genzo (SEFA), Danielle Boney (Bre ACFC – Centre Manager), Myrna Machuca-Sierra (SEFA), Zeke Shaw (ZSIC), and Bianca Peters (ELC Manager).
A very productive week with SEFA
Aunty Loreen Coffey (Brewarrina Elder):
Aunty Loreen Coffey, an Original Custodian of the Murrawarri/Ngemba Tribes, and is a daughter of Traditional Elder Leader Aunty Essie, better known as “Bush Queen” and Uncle Doc Coffee, shared a thought with ZSIC, and this is what she had to say:
“Before I begin, I’d like to acknowledge the Original Custodians that this Centre is on. I walk into the Bre ACFC building today, and I straight away feel a massive change. It’s a place of being welcomed now, and a place that I feel comfortable to go to now. I’ve seen this place before Danielle became the Manager, and it wasn’t a place where it overly welcomes you. I put this down to very little supports for previous staff, and they definitely needed the supports that they’re getting now, and it should’ve happened long ago. Bianca Peters, who is the ELC Manager, was one of the key people, that kept our centre open, during the hard times.
I know from my own experiences with raising my own children, and sharing the caring responsibilities of my own grandchildren today, the Bre ACFC is the only place that really provides the cultural safe learning space that our families need. I can tell you that this service, not only cares for our children, it also offers our families care and wellbeing, that we all need. It’s great to see young professional men and women that work at our centre, and it’s important that I tell you that many of them don’t even have their own children yet, but they care for other families’ children at this centre. This makes me so proud to see our young people stand up and lead. They are all very polite, and I can see that they all work in a professional way. But above all of these things, they’re all happy to work at Bre ACFC, because I can see it. I say this from the heart and how I feel. I’m not saying this because Danielle Boney is my daughter-in-law, I’m saying this because I’ve seen her go through professional roles as a young leader in our community, and she deserves every success. The Bre ACFC is the foundation of where our children’s lives begin. We, as a community, need to get behind her, and the young men and women that care for our children at our centre.”
Photo (from Left to Right): Savannah Moore (Educator), Katrine Higgins-Boney (Educator), Tegan Boney (Educator), Aunty Loreen Coffey (Elder), Danielle Boney (Bre ACFC – Centre Manager)
Photo (from Left to Right): Zeke Shaw (ZSIC) & Aunty Loreen Coffey (Elder)
ZSIC is forever grateful to work alongside respected Original Custodial Elders such as Aunty Loreen Coffey. We’ve travelled a journey many moons ago here on Country, and the high respect and cultural integrity has, and always will be, warming, accepting, and embracing from Aunty Loreen.
Brewarrina Aboriginal Child and Family Centre (Bre ACFC) Case Study
Diary Of Events – Week 7, October 2022
Monday 10 October 2022 – Friday 14 October 2022
Aboriginal Affairs NSW – Community & Place Grants:
The Bre ACFC Team have officially submitted their Community and Place Grants Application through Aboriginal Affairs NSW. This forms part of The Closing the Gap NSW Implementation Plan 2022-2024. This funding commits to drive tangible change against all 5 Priority Reform areas, and 17 Socio Economic Outcome Targets, agreed in the National Agreement on Closing the Gap. With the aim to communities to drive locally-led solutions in their communities.
Our application focuses on the second stream of funding at the targeted amount of $250,000. Services providers were encouraged to apply for these particular funds through meeting a variety of Closing the Gap socio-economic outcome targets:
1) Programs:
2) Infrastructure:
3) Equipment and Vehicles:
Programs that we have targeted are:
- Native Plant Garden
- Play Equipment
- IT Equipment
- New Bus (12-16 seats)
At Bre ACFC, our belief is that the Brewarrina Aboriginal community have the solutions to drive authentic change, and sustain positive growth.
This funding opportunity has now closed, and like many other service providers that applied, we’re now waiting to see if Bre ACFC has been successful in their bid to obtain these funds to provide the necessary supports for our children, our families, and our community.
There is much that needs to done, something that is very clear to us here at Brewarrina, however, with generous, kind and respectful support, our families and community of Brewarrina will experience greater opportunities to gain wellness towards healing.
Brewarrina Aboriginal Child and Family Centre (Bre ACFC) Case Study
Diary Of Events – Week 8, October 2022
Monday 17 October 2022 – Friday 21 October 2022
Parents as First Teachers (PAFT):
October brings yet again, another program development opportunity for Bre ACFC, as we have gained two more staff members, taking on the roles as Parents as First Teachers (PAFT) Support Workers.
A big Welcome to Michaela Skuthorpe and Marcia Bill.
Since starting on Monday 17th October, Michaela has been out and about linking up with some of the Services in the Community, to create and develop programs tailored to building strong, positive relationships.
These programs aim to unite Parents, Children and Community Supports and Services in Brewarrina, to give best possible outcomes for everyone involved.
Thus far we have been able to link in with the Mums and Bubs Programs, already being run through the Youth Centre on Tuesday and Friday mornings. These programs are made possible by Courtney from the Brewarrina Shire, Chantae Eyre at the Brewarrina Hospital and Belinda Cunningham from Catholic Care Bourke.
We look forward to meeting the mums and bubs and building those relationships with all.
Another opportunity we were given, is the chance to be involved in the Girl’s Afternoon Tea Sessions held on Tuesday afternoons. This program offers schoolgirls aged 10-18yrs not only support and guidance, but a safe space to learn, create and just be themselves away from the pressures of life, from a teenager standpoint.
Michaela has worked with this program previously and is excited to get back into this space, working alongside NSW Police and the Aboriginal Community Liaison Officer.
Photo: Doreen Murphy & Michaela Skuthorpe
The final program we are working on with PAFT, which is made possible by our connection with The Seventh day Adventist Church – Doreen Murphy, is a Program Dor Dor has called, Be Positive!
Be Positive, will focus on the health and wellbeing of the Women of the Brewarrina Community. We plan to start this 8-week program on Tuesday the 25th of October, and will have 2 sessions a week for women to come along and meet new people, have a laugh. All whilst building confidence, resilience and feeling empowered in our own skin. Get it Girls!!
We all feel very grateful to be joining such forces to create positive change in our beautiful community of Brewarrina and look forward to the outcomes.
Brewarrina Aboriginal Child and Family Centre (Bre ACFC) Case Study
Diary Of Events – Week 9, October 2022
Monday 24 October 2022 – Friday 28 October 2022
Bre ACFC Board Member Interviews:
This week has brought about some great activity happening at our centre here in Brewarrina. We’ve just completed 8 interviews of genuine people that want to become Board Members of the new forming Bre ACFC Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation (ACCO).
Whilst the Bre ACFC is in the transition process of becoming its own ACCO entity, and controlled and managed by its Aboriginal community members, its important to note that for this to become a reality, we need to form a Board consisting of Aboriginal people within Brewarrina.
Interviews were conducted throughout this week offering all interviewees the opportunity to expand on their skills, abilities and lived experiences, and how they can apply these to help and support the Bre ACFC. Amongst them were many different types of skill sets, ranging from: administration, case management, previous Board Member experience, Government, non-Government, NGO, private sector, community development, child protection, training and development, cultural connections, law, and the list goes on.
A big, massive THANKYOU needs to go out to Danielle Boney, Kimmy Hardy, Tiffany Winters, Danielle Caruana, and Michaela Skuthorpe for being part of the interview panels. Your support and commitment was well received, and all applicants expressed a genuine gratitude towards your efforts to support them through their interview process.
Another big, massive THANKYOU to all our interviewees, for taking the time to put your applications together, and participate in the interview process. For a small little community like Brewarrina, there are so many remarkable supportive people that really want to help where they can, and protect our children, families and the Bre ACFC Team, to grow and develop.
The successful applicant’s names can be viewed in the coming weeks via our websites.
ACFC Halloween Party
Friday the 28th of October was a day of dress up, fun and of course lollies here at the Brewarrina ACFC, as we celebrated Halloween with our ELC Halloween Party.
Staff put on a great display, with plenty of Eye-catching Props for the kids to explore, play, joke and laugh at. One child entertaining all, as she was unsure of whether to laugh or be spooked by one of the props moving and lighting up, which was a laugh for all.
We had Parents, Grandparents and Family of the Children here at ACFC join in on the fun, as the Children got to parade their awesome Halloween Costumes, whilst listening to music and eating snacks/lollies from their Halloween lolly bags with their friends.

Brewarrina Aboriginal Child and Family Centre (Bre ACFC) Case Study
Diary Of Events – Week 10 & Week 11, November 2022
Monday 31 October 2022 – Friday 11 November 2022
Brewarrina Art Exhibition – Yoorayaga-Girri:
The hard work behind the scenes was nothing less than amazing, but event organises: Kimmy Hardy, Belinda Boney and Tiffany Winters.
Brewarrina Maingirba Aboriginal Child and Family Centre along with a lot of other community organisations and community people in the Brewarrina Connection, Country, Community and Culture Art Exhibition.
This art work was created by our Children and Staff that attend our Centre.
It is called Yoorayaga-Girri, ”Yoorayaga” meaning Grow and “Girri” meaning in the purpose in Ngemba Language so this painting is called “Growing in the purpose” in English.
Each child collected physical bark leaves and sand on country and painted it on to the canvas and turned it into something magical with the help of our staff.
Brewarrina Waroowugagirri Dance Group:
Photo – Uncle Bradley Steadman (Dance Group Coordinator)
This dance group is totally amazing. When ZSIC caught up with Dance Group Coordinator Brad Steadman, he shared a few thoughts:
“The word ‘Waroowugagirri’ meaning ‘child dancing’ relates to all children aged in between 6 and 12 years of age, boys and girls, and is a traditional Ngemda custodial name. We’ve been together for three years, which has seen us practise, support and perform in various locations and venues. For example: weddings, art exhibitions, cultural days, healing centres, community events, and have also compiled a video in 2021, with a band called ’South West Syndicate’. This song was called ‘Paradise’ from the album also called paradise, which was a group of songs about Australia. We take much pride in performing for the ‘Bre Big Fish Competition’.
Over the years we have seen dancers, both boys and girls, leave, and other join. At the moment our dance group stands 18 traditional dancers.
When the dance group first started, Daryl Ferguson, also known as Peg, was the initiator and dance instructor. I inherited this role and these wonderful and energetic dancers. I also designed the groups dance shirts that depict the connection of dances to Country and animals. We’re assisted by Courtney Boney and her support is greatly appreciated.
Whilst this group was initially under Daryl Ferguson who at the time worked for Birrang (Bourke), I came on board to provide language and traditional knowledge. Courtney, after sometime, took over the Birrang program, and currently the dance group are coordinated by me, and is acknowledged as a Brewarrina Council Youth Program. Both, myself and Courtney, who now works with Maranguka (Bourke).”
Photo (07.11.2022)
(Back Row) – Heaven Smith, Keiahnee Morgan -Weatherall, Charlie Sue Shillingsworth, Koesha Morris, Katarnia Frail, Tashaei Ford, Aaliyah Boney-Coffey, Hazel Warraweena
(Middle Row) – Laiesha Boney, Uncle Bradley Steadman (Dance Group Coordinator), Kataiah Morgan-Weatherall, Nyleigh Frail
(Front Row) – William Peters (Buda Will), James Shillingsworth, Derek Eyre Jnr, Kyari Morgan-Weatherall, Brendan Sullivan,
Brewarrina Borad Members Interviews:
Exciting times ahead.
We’ve now sat down here at the Bre ACFC and processed all Board Member Applications, and what amazing applicants we’ve Had the opportunity to hear from.
All 8 applicants have been accepted to form our new Bre ACFC Board, which will see them work collaboratively together at that strategic level, and help Danielle Boney (Centre Manager), continue to deliver positive work that enhances our service deliverables.
A massive big thanks goes out to Tiffany Winters, Danielle Caruana, Kimmy Hardy, Danielle Boney, and Michaela Skuthorpe, for assisting with the interview process, as it was a big task that asked for all their assistance to get done. Thankyou Team, you guys were amazing.
STAY TUNED to see who the wonderful people are that will lead our strategic thinking into the chapter of the Bre ACFC’s journey.
“Be Positive” Classes with Michaela & Doreen:
The Brewarrina ACFC are offering a Be Positive Program up until Thursday 15th December 2022. The program is encouraging all women that love and care for children aged between 0-5yrs, as a way to embrace and enhance an holistic healthy lifestyle.
Here at the Brewarrina ACFC, we feel that this is a great way to highlight the importance of health in our community, and this program is a simple step towards creating that wonderful space.
The Brewarrina Aboriginal Medical Service (BAMS), and Brewarrina Shire Council are proud supporters of the Be Positive Program, being delivered by Michaela Skuthorpe, and Seventh Day Adventist Church Doreen Waites.
BAMS recently shared: “Exercise not only changes your body, it also changes your mind, attitude and your mood …
Come join the fun!
“Be Positive” Classes with Michaela & Doreen:
When: Tuesday’s & Thursday’s
Time: 6am to 7am
Where: The Geoff New Oval, Brewarrina
Want To Get Involved & Support?
Reach out to Michaela between 9am-4pm daily at the Centre on 02 6839 2727
Brewarrina ACFC Board
It gives us great pride to introduce our Board Members that will be governing the Brewarrina ACFC strategic space for 2023.
They are excited to share the multi skills, abilities and capabilities that will provide the great needed support required, that will steer us into the next 10-year cycle of our service.

Aunty Verina Crawford, Urayne Warraweena, Uncle Bradley Steadman, Aunty Loreen Coffey, Tiffany Winters, Aunty Dianne Hardy, Doreen Waites, Uncle Charlie McHughes, Aunty Mary Waites, and Danielle Caruana.
ACFC Board Members

Aunty Verina Crawford

Urayne Warraweena

Uncle Bradley Steadman

Aunty Loreen Coffey

Tiffany Winters

Aunty Dianne Hardy

Doreen Waites

Uncle Charlie McHughes

Aunty Mary Waites

Danielle Caruana
ACFC Staff Profiles

Anthony Walsh
Maintenance/ Cleaner

Bianca Peters
Maingirba ELC Coordinator

Bronwyn Moore
ELC Educator (Casual)

Danielle Boney
Centre Manager

Eileen Gordon

Katherine Boney-Higgins
ELC Educator

Lesley Annis-Brown
ELC Educator

Marcia Bill
PAFT Support Worker

Michaela Skuthorpe
PAFT Support Worker

Rachel Dodds
ELC Educator

Savannah-Lea Moore
ELC Educator

Tegan Boney
ELC Educator, ELC Admin
Brewarrina ACFC Reviews / Feedback
Wayne Griffiths - February 2023
“Working with Zeke Shaw Consulting has been a truly remarkable experience. The team is passionate about understanding the needs of Aboriginal people and communities, and they take the time to really listen and engage with them. They have an incredible ability to identify the issues that need to be addressed in order to bring about healing. I’m very impressed with their dedication and commitment to this cause, as well as their creative approach to problem-solving that goes beyond traditional methods.”
Danielle Boney - November 2022
Working along side Zeke has been a learning Journey that I will never forget. Zeke has brought his lived experiences and expertise into this space and implemented, not only the supports and mentoring that’s been needed for my managerial journey these past few months, but implemented it right across the ACFC team in an authentic cultural way.
His laughter is infectious, and the way he pays it forward to community and staff definitely doesn’t go unnoticed.
The genuine cultural leadership that he has imbedded thus far has been an incredible journey.
ZSIC definitely lives up to their DEADLY Values:
D: Dedicated, to achieving our commitments
E: Enthusiastic, about working with others
A: Authentic, is who we are
D: Deliver, genuine services
L: Love, the work we do
Y: Yawarra (Care), for our culture
Michaela Skuthorpe - November 2022
Since meeting Zeke, I have learned the true meaning of living and working from the heart. Some people may not get exactly what that’s means, but when you know you know. And it’s such a wonderful feeling.
Zeke can get people to see themselves for who they truly are and become that version of themselves – through open effective communication. A new and approved way to look at life. Especially in a workplace, holding a Culturally safe working environment to keep the momentum of this feeling in continuation.
He is very genuine in his approach to every individual he crosses paths with, sharing lived experiences and having a willingness and ability to get individuals discussing topics not thought of or conversations had previously. Sometimes in a way of healing they never knew how to approach and release. This is truly a gift Zeke displays through from his life experiences, that I am grateful to have been given the privilege of being a part of, these past few months.
The Brewarrina Child and Family Centre is thriving due to Zeke’s loud laughter and quirky personality.
Savannah-lea Moore - November 2022
Zeke Shaw of ZSIC brings a number of elements to the workplace that i have benefited greatly from. The amazing thing about how he does this, is that it’s not just in the workplace, but also in our community. His positivity, laughter which brings about an approach that allows me to confide very easily in.
Lesley Annis-Brown - November 2022
He’s so easy to get along with, very approachable and I absolutely love the way Zeke comes across to the ELC space, as his presence relaxes the ELC staff, but also the children appear to be more relaxed when he does this.
Katherine Boney-Higgins
Zeke Shaw is the glue that is holding everyone together. He’s so easy to talk to, as his mannerism just creates a safe space for all of us to share thoughts from time to time. His personality is infectious, and it seems that it effects everyone in a very positive way. Inside and outside work I feel very comfortable being around him, and he is really nice to talk to.
Rachel Dodds - November 2022
I absolutely love the way Zeke creates a culturally safe space for me to talk about what I’m experiencing at the time in my life. I feel that it’s his lived experiences that he has volunteered up from time to time, that allows him to do this with me. In Brewarrina, there’s not many people like Zeke that have this skill and ability. As a single mother of two primary school aged boys, and with challenging family experiences that have so many barriers, Zeke is a positive Aboriginal male role model. This not only helps me get things off my chest that I normally would not feel comfortable to do so with anyone else, but my boys get the chance to see what positive male role modelling looks like.
Bronwyn Moore - November 2022
I’m writing on behalf of our centre and our manager Zeke Shaw – I think that this centre would truly benefit from Zeke’s amazing work and support, and input toward this being a better set up in the near future. Zeke is truly amazing, he has instilled in us as workers – connection, culture and strength. I feel that another 12 months here with Zeke working would have this centre where it’s supposed to be.
Tegan Boney - November 2022
This workplace as a whole has been through so many challenges. I had experienced a time where coming to work was only because it was a job, and I felt that there were really no personal rewards that encouraged me to be here. This was a result, I feel, of poor leadership. Zeke brings a new way of how leadership empowers everyone in the workplace. It’s the way he delivers his messages of feel-good-vibes that really lift the workplace to a level where people just want to be here now. Zeke really sees you in the moment, and I now see how important this is, as it provides the self-esteem to rise to other occasions, where it sees me now as part of the management team. I never expected to be in this position, from past experiences. His genuine approach, not just in work, but outside in our community, Zeke allows himself to connect on that personal level with others. When he does this, it brings about a very different feel that just encourages to bring the best out of people. I haven’t experienced this before, and I now see how important this is to help people heal and grow. We all hear him before seeing him, and this automatically creates lift in the workplace. The kind of lift that people need when they’re doing it a little tough from time to time.
Jamarlia Orcher - November 2022
I haven’t been here for a long time, however, I can see and have experienced in my short time that Zeke is a major benefit to this workplace. What I have heard throughout my community about Zeke, lines up with who he really is. He brightens up the place with his laughter.