Reconciliation Action Plans (RAP)

What is the YCSP?

ZSIC delivers the YCSP in partnership with their stakeholders. YCSP supports existing staff supervision processes, staff development policies and resources, and is encouraged to be utilised in conjunction with our unique YCSP format.

Genuine workplace commitments is of great importance to YCSP, as the indigenous employee may wish to be exposed to greater professional development opportunities. Ownership of their professional and cultural growth is enhanced, in a culturally safe learning and development environment. Higher duties and tasks, formally shadowing managers in their roles, workplace and community presentations are some of the possibilities that the indigenous employee may choose to experience, as a result of their YCSP.
Business Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) initiatives are identified during YCSP and are also explored to meet the needs of the participant and workplace culture.

Some achievements of a YCSP can be described as follows;

Program Mode

Each mode incorporates business plans, objectives, and aims of the employer.

Participants have options to strengthen cultural areas of their identity, as well as to deliver a cultural activity within the workplace, eg: staff meeting, management meeting, NAIDOC celebration, Reconciliation Week Activities, etc

Mode A (6 Months):
Mode B (12 Months):

Delivery Mode Options

Microsoft Teams
Face-To-Face (additional travel and accommodation fees associated with the engagement will be negotiated as appropriate)