Our Belief

"We, today, did not create this problem of intergenerational trauma. Past leaders of our country did through their policies of ill-treatment against Original Custodians of this land. But, there is one thing that we did with this problem… WE INHERITED IT. If we don’t work together through genuine and authentic Self-Determination and Participation, how can we expect to Close The Gap for all Australians?”

As First Nation Indigenous consultants and a 100% owned and managed Indigenous consultancy, ZSIC’s foundational focus is empowering and supporting all sectors of your communities and workplaces to be culturally competent. Meeting the cultural needs, requirements and business obligations can be very challenging for some.

ZSIC prides itself in this area of great demand, as we minimise these challenges by providing Cultural Awareness Training (CAT) workshops that is tailored to your requirements. Whether it be community, local, state, national levels, or in-house business training development of your staff members, ZSIC Indigenous consultants and team members work closely with their stakeholders to shape a cultural journey that allows individuals to grow.

ZSIC achieves this without prejudice, bias, blame or lateral violence, as our underpinning belief is clear and simple.

ZSIC’s Cultural Awareness Training (CAT) workshops can be delivered across many sectors such as:

How Do We Achieve This?

ZSIC’s leading Indigenous consultants delivers Cultural Awareness Training (CAT) workshops across all sectors.

Experiences with working in the Aboriginal Children protection space, ZSIC recognises the great need to develop cultural supports to be implemented and embedded into practises. ZSIC follows the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child Placement Principle (ATSICPP) five core elements – Prevention, Partnership, Placement, Participation, and Connection.

Connecting Aboriginal children with their families, communities, Country and culture, reinforces the purpose of ZSIC’s OOHC Cultural Awareness Training. Self-Determination through meaningful participation, provides the strong foundation for participants to develop their cultural knowledge, to apply in their everyday workplace and practises. Especially when developing Cultural Care Plans and Cultural Support Plans.

What Our ( CAT) Programs Involve

Our One Day Cultural Awareness Training (CAT) Workshops and Programs support all sectors and industries to explore their cultural learnings in a culturally safe environment. ZSIC Indigenous facilitators achieve this through their cultural lived experiences, complimented by their personal and professional abilities to empower others. CAT program participants are provided opportunities to increase their cultural awareness, and gain cultural strategies to apply in their work, through the following stages;

Stage 1 – History at glance
Stage 2 – Now and present
Stage 3 – Where to from here

Please see below for details regarding our online and face-to-face CAT workshops.

Online One-Day CAT Programs

Due to an increase in awareness and demand of our CAT programs, we now offer the flexibility of one-day workshops delivered online, for individuals from micro, small or large businesses and organisations – Minimum of 3 people, to a maximum of 20 people .

Calendar Of Dates For One-Day Online CAT Workshops


JulyTues 4 / Thurs 20 / Thurs 27
AugustN/A – Currently booked out.
SeptemberThurs 7 / Thurs 14 / Thurs 21
OctoberThurs 5 / Thurs 12 / Thurs 19
NovemberThurs 2 / Thurs 9 / Thurs 16
DecemberThurs 7/ Thurs 14 / Thurs 21


JanuaryThurs 18 / Thurs 25 / Wed 31
FebruaryThurs 8 / Thurs 15 / Thurs 22
MarchThurs 7 / Thurs 14 / Thurs 21
AprilThurs 4 / Thurs 11 / Thurs 18
MayThurs 2 / Thurs 9 / Thurs 16
JuneThurs 6 / Thurs 13 / Thurs 20

Face-To-Face CAT Programs

For businesses and organisations, small and large, wanting to book the ZSIC team for face-to-face CAT workshops at a specific time and location, please click here to contact us and tick the CAT option in selections, we’ll get back to you promptly. 

Examples Of CAT Workshops – Queensland Fire & Emergency Services (QFES)

ZSIC has delivered and facilitated 3 comprehensive Cultural Awareness Training (CAT) workshops for Inspectors, Area Directors and other team members of the Queensland Fire & Emergency Services (QFES), that live and work, in providing QFES services, in the state of Queensland – click here to see photos, videos and reviews from QFES Workshop No. 1.

Click here for our Case Studies & Workshops page to access links to a range of case studies and workshops run by Zeke Shaw and the ZSIC team. 

Click here to get in touch with us to book our services, or with any enquiries you may have.

Organisations We Support &/Or Work With