Queensland Fire & Emergency Services (QFES), C.A.T. Workshop No. 3 – May 2023

Zeke Shaw and the ZSIC team continue the great work of building on the Queensland Fire & Emergency Services (QFES) cultural footprint, through the wonderful partnership with Clinton Neuman of Rural Fire Services (RFS) division of the QFES.

This marks the third ZSIC Cultural Awareness Training (CAT) workshop via Clinton’s endorsement, through his genuine commitment to ‘closing the gap’, between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Australians in Clinton’s home state of Queensland.

Clinton Neuman has and continues to be a shining light of leadership that brings cultural empowerment and identity, coupled with historical true story-telling of white Australia having a black history.
Clinton’s team of professional QFES Officers share their experiences of having participated in this, our third ZSIC Cultural Awareness Training (CAT) workshop.

Session One

Session Two

Session Three

Reviews / Feedback

Zeke’s energy and knowledge and passion made for engaging day. Lots for me to think about.
I look forward to learning more and putting into practice how to ensure I am contributing a culturally safe space.

David Sewell, QFES, North Coast Region / A/BSO

Cultural Awareness Training, May 2023

Zeke delivers the Cultural Awareness training in such a way that it takes us on a journey of understanding, arming participants with the knowledge to go forward as leaders within their organisation and impart knowledge back within their own organisations. Extremely valuable and I had a wonderful experience. Thank you Zeke for being so engaging and sharing your heritage with us.

It was thought-provoking in various way, good and bad. My heart breaks for what your country and people have had to endure to get to today.

As someone who is not from Australia, being able to draw similarities between my country and yours, it really does make me see things in a very different light. Namely apartheid and how that impacted my country and the people within.

I in particular enjoyed how doing the puzzle really made me see things in such a simpler way but not detract from how traumatising those laws were and the impact it still has today.

I also really loved Jamie’s statement of many colours make a beautiful quilt and I hope that through reconciliation, we as a country can really start building that beautiful quilt together and long into the future. Thank you for teaching me. Thank you for taking me on a wonderful adventure.

Jessica Eadie, QFES / RFS

Cultural Awareness Training, May 2023

Great facilitator, great format and terrific how it engaging it was for us in the audience.

Steele Davies, QFES Rural Fire Services

Cultural Awareness Training, May 2023

I was only able to attend the first part of this workshop. I was very moved and did not want to leave and will return to do the whole worksop as soon as I can. Zeke and Jamie have a unique perspective and ability to engage with everyone in the room. Great work in difficult terrain.

Mark Pomeroy, Rural Fire Services (RFS)

Cultural Awareness Training, May 2023

Great training day that was very informative and engaging. Great energy through the sessions and each element clearly explained in excellent detail. Thank you.

Samual Eitz, QFES

Cultural Awareness Training, May 2023

Very good training. I learnt and was exposed to some things I didn’t know. Was very enlightening.

Mick Watego, Rural Fire Services (RFS), Bushfire Safety Officer

Cultural Awareness Training, May 2023

Bloody awesome workshop. Learnt so much about my history. Looking forward to using this in the workplace.

Kim Polzin, Bushfire Safety Officer, Central Region, QFES / RFS

Cultural Awareness Training, May 2023

Thank you Zeke for doing the presentation/ training. Definitively a great start for conversation in the workplace.

Emily McInnes, First National Bushfire Safety Officer, QFES / RFS

Cultural Awareness Training, May 2023

Too deadly. High energy, open, engaging and safe environment for the need to have conversations. Would love to work with ZSIC into the future.

Beau Sinn, RFES

Cultural Awareness Training, May 2023

Loved this training – bridging gaps.

Liane Henderson, QFS

Cultural Awareness Training, May 2023

Good content, well contextualised.

Scott Brook, QFES, Brisbane

Cultural Awareness Training, May 2023

Thank you, a great awareness presentation.

Gordon Yorke, QFES

Cultural Awareness Training, May 2023


Below are some of the photos taken during the workshop – Click here for our Gallery page to access more photos from the workshop, and to see other photos and videos:

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