Welcome! Please Browse Our Site To Learn All About ZSIC

Zeke Shaw Indigenous Consultancy (ZSIC) provides a wide range of cultural consultancy services to government, non-government, private sector, Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCO’s) and Aboriginal Foster Children Out Of Home Care (OOHC).

Specifically and well designed programs and services that include Cultural Supervision, Indigenous Governance Workshops, Consultation & Engagement, Facilitation Services, and Cultural Awareness Training workshops are expertly delivered on-site in the workplace, in a fun, easy to follow, educational format with authenticity and relevance.

Zeke Shaw is an Original Custodian with over 30 years’ experience in working with Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people around Indigenous Cultural education and services – Click here to learn more about Zeke and the ZSIC team.

Click on the images below to connect with other key areas of our website – Click here to Contact Us with any queries you may have.

We look forward to being of service.

The team at Zeke Shaw Indigenous Consultancy (ZSIC) specialises in delivering a range of high quality and well structured cultural services and programs in the workplace for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal employees at all levels, across all industries and sectors ... Australia wide!

Indigenous Solutions Driven By Indigenous People

Organisations We Support &/Or Work With